Extra Credit Reading Notes: 7 Secrets of the Goddess C

7 Secrets of the Goddess: Kali's Secret by Devdutt Patanaik

I'm interested to see what chapter two holds!

The introduction of the picture to Kali is how I know her. I see her standing over Shiva, with a sickle in hand. I wasn't brought up knowing much about hinduism, but my parents tried to keep me well rounded, so I did end up learning some about Kali. Everything that I hear about her is very neat and the stories included in the video reflect that idea as well. It's cool how these videos, well, I guess this book talks about history. It's spoken about in many different ways that can link back to the singular goddess that is the focus and ideas that come from her.

She-of-the-long-tongue was cool. Her being the Kali prototype makes sense when hearing it. India has a unique way of discussing sex and body, I find it very creative and different from any other culture. I think all of these interpretations of Kali are so different from Gaia. "Everybody and everything has a soul that needs to be respected." I liked that sentence. I also like how she sticks out her tongue to mock those who seek to judge nature. She's kind of playful and wild. Very free.

The section about Radha and Krishna was nice. I liked seeing their stories together when I read about Krishna, so seeing a more clear picture of both her and their relationship was fun. There's really so much to all of these epics and legends. We've really only scratched the surface in class, but that just makes it more fun! There's so much out there for us to read and discover about these characters. Even with Kali, she often seems misrepresented in her own culture. You have to dive in deeper to get the full picture. I love this documentary and things like this.

Kali by Raja Ravi Varma (Source)


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