Time Strategies

Time management is something everyone struggles with, or at least I hope that's the case. I certainly struggle with it quite a bit. Developing a good battle plan to tackle time management issues seems like a surefire way to remedy the problem. 

The first article I read, "Eat The Frogs First Thing in The Morning," was enlightening in that it highlighted several problem areas that I have right off of the bat. Spotting the "frog" or things you don't want to do, need to do, etc., should be done sooner than later and increase productivity. Starting with your hardest task is actually something that I have done in the past but have gotten out of the habit of doing. This article was a nice reminder of the things I can get done if I start picking that up again! 

The second article I chose, "The Important Habit of Just Starting," really broke down the consequences of procrastination and why it's so important to just start your project, assignment, or whatever it is. It offered advice for combatting perfectionism, which I found to be helpful. I think my biggest challenge this semester will be balancing all of other online classwork. It's never too much work, it's just difficult for me to keep track of at all times! I'm going to try to use some of these tips to stay on track with them though. 

Losing Time (Public Domain Pictures)


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