Reading Notes: 7 Secrets of the Goddess B

7 Secrets of the Goddess: Gaia's Secret 3-4 by Devdutt Pattanaik

The inclusion of a Japanese myth is fun to me because I've studied quite a bit of a them. Women and subserviency is so commonly heard of, it's crazy that it can be traced back to a kind of myth. We know that those were created to almost show how people are supposed to behave and such, so it's kind of sad to me that it's so well-known, though not surprising. The myth of Amaterasu and Susanoo is also quite interesting/really sad when you look at it in depth.

The examples in Indian epics, mostly with Draupadi being disrobed is what stuck out the most to me. I felt so bad for her. The video said it best. They stopped being people and became a symbol for male honor. It was bad enough that she was humiliated, but she is just even further objectified in the form of a prize. I just think it's sad and disappointing. There are so many women characters, but they just don't get to see many shining moments, unlike the men. It isn't that they're unimportant, but they are there for the advancement of the male characters. I would have liked to see the stories told from a perspective that considered them all equally powerful. I wonder how different the stories would have been.

I find the entirety of this series so unique. I would never have expected it to be like this. I think it sheds light on many areas of mythology that should be talked about, especially in regards to women. They all circle back to one another. I think that's very neat! I've heard most of the stories before, so hearing them in this light makes me think about things a lot. For example, the damsel in distress. It's nice that we live in a world that we can talk about these things and the need for balance, but it's kind of sad how deep in history this goes.

The Humiliation of Draupadi (Source)


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