Famous Last Words: Week 4 (I think?)

It is only week 4 and I am tired! This class is fine though. I’m enjoying getting to do things at a time that works for me. This week we finished Ramayana reading and it was sad. I didn’t like the ending! I did not like how Rama treated Sita with the fire trial and that sort of was like… okay. I think besides that, I’m glad I got the chance to read it. I’ve enjoyed watching these characters and learning more about Indian epics and culture. I’ve always been fascinated by mythology and I’ve never really had the time to learn more about my own culture (for reference, I’m also of Indian descent!)

I’ve been enjoying reading other classmate’s writings as well. I like seeing their creativity! Everyone here is very talented and offer unique takes on the characters and stories, I’m always excited to see where they take me this week! I think the more successful writings haven’t been afraid to take risks, while still trying to uphold the integrity of the story. It makes for an interesting outcome. I also enjoy when people just do… whatever they want. I think it’s funny. I don’t have a problem with it. Keeps life interesting.

My other classes are… fine. I’m taking a lot of core criminology courses, so I can take my capstone next semester. They’re fun, just have a ton of work. I like the majority of my classes though, I promise! I do like school, or rather learning. It’s one of my favorite things, I just would like a break sometimes, you know?

Anyway, until next time!

Shh... it is sleeping (Pixabay)


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