Reading Notes: Epified Krishna A

I'm excited that we get to see more videos from Epified! I liked their version of The Mahabharata, so these were nice to get as a notes option! I'm always a big fan of educational videos. I remember meeting Krishna already, but as always, there's more to any one character than already presented. I think it's interesting that the spics use so many characters, including pivotal gods and goddesses.

 Epified's Krishna adaptation gives us a great look into his young life. I remember the sections with Kamsa the most because he sucks. Who just throws babies against walls like that? Awful man... I enjoyed the goddess returning and telling him off for thinking that she couldn't possibly pose him any threat because she was a woman. Good for her honestly. I really enjoyed that little bit, though it led to more misfortune for Krishna's folks.

I found it funny that despite being the holder of the universe, Krishna also likes to steal butter like any young boy. Sure he's all powerful and performs these feats of godly strength, but he's also a punk kid. I think that it's nice. It humanizes him more. It's easy to be like 'oh this child is a god or something' and then do nothing to show how he is relatable as a character, but I liked that addition.

Really, really liked Krishna and Radha. I am nervous because love stories in Indian epics don't... turn out well, but they were cute. I liked that they grew up together and already have an established relationship. I'm interested to see where they go. I hope everything goes well for everyone.

I enjoy the cosmic mysticism vibe Krishna's story has. I think it is drastically different from anything we've read so far. Tonally, I find it more compelling as well because I find Krishna more likable then many of the other heroes we've met so far, but we'll see how long that lasts. Oh, I like the music connection too. Okay, that's it!

Krishna with his flute (Source)


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