Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata A

For this week, I chose to watch the video series. I'm finding it very enjoyable. I love the animations and I think it makes understanding the story easier. The Mahabharata is complex and complicated at times with many characters, seeing it in an animated form makes it easier for me to understand and keep up with. I don't know why, but throughout my reading of the original, I would frequently forget it supposed to represent the cosmic principles of karma. In the first video, they said a line about it and I was like OH. Duh. That's why everyone was a train wreck the entire time! 

On the episodes themselves: I like the style that they're done in. I find that they're dramatic, reminding me of soap operas in the way that they're told. Maybe not entirely the same stylistically, but both are very dramatic and full of twists and turns. I like Bhishma... kind of. I know how things turn out, but I do like the story and think he's an interesting character. I found his love for his father endearing. I don't blame Amba for being angry and Bhishma though, I think it's justified somewhat? I don't know. 

Man, I feel bad for Vyasa. Imagine being so ugly everyone was like... scared of you. Yikes! I liked hearing about his kids though. It's nice seeing it peaceful, even if it's only for a moment. Knowing what comes later with the brothers is wild. If I were to do a story on this section, I would like to maybe do something dramatic, but in an over-exaggerated comedic manner. I think that there's a lot of room for ironic humor in these selections, or at least playing with tropes. It might be fun to stage it like a soap opera. It certainly reads like one. I find it interesting how immediately the story sets up to be filled with sadness and secrets. It's definitely a reflection of what's to come and the rivalries that they share. 

I really don't know if I would want to do a story on this section, I might like to wait and see what the videos are for tomorrow. I have an easier time working with more material. We end with a big secret, which means things are about to get interesting!

Santanu and the beautiful woman of the river (Source)


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