Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Feedback In- The comments that I like the best and find the most useful are the ones that are constructive criticism mixed with compliments. I like when I can tell that someone has put thought into how I can improve. I'm less of a fan of the pickier ones. I don't think any of us are perfect writers. I just found those to be more of a downer than they were helpful. I don't appreciate someone assuming they know where I'm going with something or that I haven't put in a lot of thought into my writing. I don't know, it's like... take it easy. I also appreciated when they were not as serious. I generally don't take myself as serious, I appreciate when someone can tell that about me as well!

Feedback Out- I'll be the first to say that I'm awful at feedback. I just try to find things that I like about a piece and share that with the author, so they can hopefully keep doing that in the future. I realize that doesn't give them much room to improve, but I am uncomfortable offering criticism I guess. I'm getting to where I can structure feedback in a way that I like receiving it-- compliments mixed with constructive criticism. I think that way everyone wins.

Blog Comments- I think it's clear from the introduction posts that everyone lives very busy lives and a simple post doesn't always capture every part of someone. I feel like I get a good impression of who people are, but I suppose I'll never know. For my own post, I do not remember writing it, but it seems very on brand for me to talk about Dolly Parton and Billy the Kid. I do that in real life way too much. I don't know if I'm happy with it, but I'm sure at the time it was right. I still feel strongly about everything I said and honestly, I don't know what else I would've said anyway. I literally only talk about obscure facts or Gilmore Girls.

Looking Forward- I don't want to make any changes to my introduction. I know that I've already outlined everything, so I'd rather just keep it as is and address issues in future stories, though I'm unsure why everyone had so much difficulty with the movement and a few other things that I found strange lol. Difference in taste is fine! I know I can fix any misconceptions later! For feedback assignments, I'd like to just be good mix of positive and constructive. Do I want to change my intro? Now I'm rethinking, but I think still no?

Cats yay! (Source)
I chose this image because I feel like I talked a lot about not giving adequate feedback. I think to get better at anything, you do need feedback. I chose this picture as a reminder! :)


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