Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata B

Notes! Back at it again! Technically, it's also storytelling day, but it's fine. I can do both. My internet went out last night as I was finishing up the videos for this section, so I just gave up and went to bed, if I'm being honest. It happens. I digress. 

There was a lot more tension in the videos for this section. There's a lot to say, but I think Pandu and Madri dying was kind of wack. Like, I don't think she should've gotten into the fire with him if he had forced himself onto her. Again, I think the women in the story don't get a fair chance or are treated... very poorly. I understand her devotion to her husband, but Kunti didn't go with them. So, I don't get it I guess. 

The part where Kunti was given Karna was funny to me for some reason? The language the narrators used to describe the scene was just very comical to me. It seemed like the sun god showed up, gave her a baby, and peaced out. I still think what happened to Karna wasn't quite fair, but I guess nothing in this story really is, despite the emphasis on fairness, not always fair. I think this is best illustrated with the forest boy. 

The last episode was a lot. Arjuna is so dramatic, constantly. Does he ever take a break? His tears were funny to me for some reason. Maybe that's bad, but still. I didn't like how Drona handled the situation. The boy went out of his way to learn from him and was clearly more skilled than Arjuna, it's a shame he made him cut off his thumb. For what reason? I didn't understand his motivation for doing so. If the argument was that he wasn't a warrior, he could've taught him to be one. Turning someone away that had passion and dedication are markings of a poor teacher. It made me sad. :( 

Notes based on Epified's Mahabharata 

Ekalavya cuts off his thumb (Source)


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